Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Value of Leadership

It has once been said the everything rises and falls on leadership. There is a great deal of truth in this statement. While nothing in God's work is more important than His blessing and power, leadership is absolutely vital to an effective ministry. This is why Jesus spent so much time with his disciples. He was not only revealing Himself as the Son of God, and Savior of the world, He was also equipping them to be the leaders of the first generation of Christians.

Are you a teacher, assistant teacher, outreach leader, care group leader, or interested member of your class, then you are a leader! Leadership has been defined as the ability to influence. As leaders we are in a place where we can influence others for God and for good. What an awesome privilege. What a tremendous responsibility. While we thank God for the opportunity to serve Him; we must pray for His help as we lead.

Leaders are willing to go that extra mile in commitment and faithfulness. Leaders serve out of conviction. They know and believe that their lives make a difference as they serve Jesus.

In future posts we will look at the qualities of leadership in action through our service.