Friday, August 29, 2008

Follow up is an important aspect of ministry

There are many qualities that make a leader successful. One of these is the work of following up with the people God allows us to minister to. As a teacher, follow up means that just one contact will not be enough to make the impact we need to get and keep a person in our class. As long as a person is open, contact them to build a relationship so they will want to be a part of your class.
Use a different ways to contact them. These include notes, calls, and visits. Meet them for lunch, invite them to join you for a meal after church, invite them to class outing. People are not looking for a friendly church, they are looking for friends. Build these relationships by letting people know they are important and apprecitated. Keep notes of special days like birthdays. Send them a note on these special days. Especially minister to them during times of loss or difficulity.

Let leaders in your class or ministry know how important they are. Find people doing the good and let them know they are doing a great job and that their faithfulness is making a difference. People serve because they love Jesus, but everyone enjoys hearing they are doing a good job and they they are appreciated.