Sunday, November 19, 2017

Reach To Care

Bible Fellowship is a foundational ministry to reach people for Jesus and help them become an active part of the life of the church. Our theme for Bible Fellowship in the next few weeks is "Reach to Care." We want to reach all ages for Bible Fellowship and in reaching them we care for them in the following ways. 1. Bible Fellowship cares for people through Bible teaching for life transformation. We do not teach just for information but for life transformation. Bible Fellowship has a discipleship goal of helping people follow Jesus and grow in their personal walk with Jesus. An additional goal is to develop leaders for service through personal growth. 2. Bible Fellowship cares for people through providing friendship and fellowship. People are not looking for just a friendly church; they are looking for friends. Bible Fellowship provides the opportunity for this important connection people are looking for. Josh Hunt, a leader in small group ministry, said, "Make someone your friend and you can't keep them out of your class." This quote describes the friendship people are looking for. 3. Bible Fellowship cares for people through involvement in ministry to others. In Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12 the Bible emphasizes that every member of the body has a role in ministry to one another. Bible Fellowship has been described as the church with its sleeves rolled up. It is where the ministry is done. Bible Fellowship is not just a lesson and a class but a 24/7 ministry. There will be a time when we need ministry and being in Bible Fellowship places us in a position to be ministered to. In inviting others to your class be intentional, be friendly, and be prepared when they do attend. As teachers and leaders we must keep in mind the common but essential saying, "People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. Be sure to follow up immediately with any ministry need that comes to your attention through following up with the members of your class.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bible Fellowship Outreach

Bible Fellowship has several important priorities. These priorities include teaching the Bible for life change, ministering to class members, and providing opportunities for fellowship with other Christians. One priorities that classes must stay focused on is outreach and evangelism. Each class should see themselves as responsible for reaching others in their age group with the gospel. Each class should have a list of people they are praying for and then actively seek to share the gospel with them. This will take planning and actually going to visit and sharing the gospel. If a class loses the edge in outreach over time the class will began to see a decrease in new class members and become inwardly focused. Classes can celebrate class growth as they see people they have prayed for and witnessed to \become members of their Bible Fellowship class.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Follow up is an important aspect of ministry

There are many qualities that make a leader successful. One of these is the work of following up with the people God allows us to minister to. As a teacher, follow up means that just one contact will not be enough to make the impact we need to get and keep a person in our class. As long as a person is open, contact them to build a relationship so they will want to be a part of your class.
Use a different ways to contact them. These include notes, calls, and visits. Meet them for lunch, invite them to join you for a meal after church, invite them to class outing. People are not looking for a friendly church, they are looking for friends. Build these relationships by letting people know they are important and apprecitated. Keep notes of special days like birthdays. Send them a note on these special days. Especially minister to them during times of loss or difficulity.

Let leaders in your class or ministry know how important they are. Find people doing the good and let them know they are doing a great job and that their faithfulness is making a difference. People serve because they love Jesus, but everyone enjoys hearing they are doing a good job and they they are appreciated.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Value of Leadership

It has once been said the everything rises and falls on leadership. There is a great deal of truth in this statement. While nothing in God's work is more important than His blessing and power, leadership is absolutely vital to an effective ministry. This is why Jesus spent so much time with his disciples. He was not only revealing Himself as the Son of God, and Savior of the world, He was also equipping them to be the leaders of the first generation of Christians.

Are you a teacher, assistant teacher, outreach leader, care group leader, or interested member of your class, then you are a leader! Leadership has been defined as the ability to influence. As leaders we are in a place where we can influence others for God and for good. What an awesome privilege. What a tremendous responsibility. While we thank God for the opportunity to serve Him; we must pray for His help as we lead.

Leaders are willing to go that extra mile in commitment and faithfulness. Leaders serve out of conviction. They know and believe that their lives make a difference as they serve Jesus.

In future posts we will look at the qualities of leadership in action through our service.